XR Streaming – How to Save Time for Data Preparation and Enable Unlimited Performance

90% of all XR use cases require data preparation due to the limited processing power of XR devices. Is the object streamlined or downresd enough? Many data editors even remove details of the object so that it can finally run on a mobile device.

In our webinar on February 11th at 4 pm CET we will discuss how XR streaming solves this problem and how it enables unlimited performance. Philipp Landgraf, Head of Technology together with Sascha Schön, Publishing Director and Luis Bollinger, Co-Founder will talk about the following topics:

  • How remote rendering and XR streaming technically works
  • From time savings to data security: what are the benefits of this solution?
  • Case Study: How BMW uses remote rendering for their prototyping
  • Q&A

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