Join Our Live Webinar:

XR Streaming – Empowering the Next Level of AR/VR Apps

The emergence of smart glasses has led to a revolution in corporate efficiency – but mobile devices come with their own limitations in computing and graphics power.

As the industry matures, we see a rising demand for more sophisticated AR/VR applications. XR streaming is a technology that unleashes the full potential of XR. Streamed XR allows applications to surpass performance limits and to be used across platforms. This means experiencing 3D content in unprecedented detail and complexity, less customization work for developers, and a wider range of hardware options for consumers to choose from.

In our live webinar we will talk about the technology, its benefits and show you actual projects where XR Streaming has been successfully implemented using the ISAR SDK.

Date: July 1st, 2021

Time: 05:00-5:45 pm (CEST)

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