Connected World of the Future

Open AR Cloud and Resight have partnered with AWE to organize an online challenge to develop AR Cloud concepts. It consists of a series of workshops with AR Cloud providers where participants will be invited to submit their concepts. The best concepts will be presented on stage at the AR Cloud Challenge Showcase at AWE USA 2021 in Santa Clara this November.

What is the AR Cloud?

The AR Cloud is the unification of the physical and digital world by enabling the creation of immersive experiences where persistent, collaborative and contextual digital content is overlaid onto people, objects and locations. This provides users with contextual information and services directly tied to their physical surroundings and each other.

Join Online Workshop series

Together with the tech partners, selected participants will strive to build an experience that brings people together and is built on the following AR Cloud principles:

  • Persistent content that is always accessible
  • Real-time multi-user interaction
  • Instant, ubiquitous localization
  • Understanding of the world that allows real-world interaction

The Challenge

Top applicants will have the opportunity to pitch their idea to be selected by the tech partners for mentoring and to enter the challenge. Selected participants will work in collaboration with the tech partners to build their AR Cloud: Connected World of the Future projects.

One month prior to AWE, all challenge participants will make an official submission of the progress they have made for review. Finalists will be chosen by a third party review panel of industry experts. Each selected final entry will receive a free Speaker Pass to AWE!

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