Summing up 2018: A success for Holo-Light

Is it just us or was 2018 the fastest year ever? The developments within our four modest Holo-walls have advanced in leaps and bounds at a world-record pace, leaving us completely amazed!

Fantastic, highly respected awards and honors—such as the prestigious Auggie Award, the highly coveted German Innovation Award, and the Innovation Prize of the City of Munich—are only a few of our most notable merits this year, in addition to numerous rankings as one of the best startups in Germany, as well as in Austria.

We were also pleased to welcome new partners on board our Holo-Cruise to the future, such as the innogy Innovation Hub and Management Center Innsbruck (MCI), with their associated financial support. In addition, Management Center Innsbruck, as an experienced hardware partner, played a large part in realizing the production of our Holo-Stylus, which we were finally able to launch in November of this year!

An ode to our Stylus XR

And one thing must be noted at this point: The Stylus XR was probably the pinnacle of Holo-Light’s success when looking back on 2018. That’s why we want to end this year with a poem worthy of this achievement, an ode to our beloved input device, our mouse of the future:

Who gave it to us, the key to the future?
Or did we just find it, because it was Nature?

Nature itself, 
which send us the hint
like a golden masterprint

of an idea just waiting
to be teared into light
in order like heating
our minds become wide.

All what was need
was to be just aware,
was to dare,
was to feed

our thoughts about news,
our usual views

change into thinking
more outside the box
and across this new linking
we perceive such a beautiful phlox.

What did we use?
Wisdom, a bow and an arrow?
to win, not to lose
the fear of tomorrow.

Oh, now, I seem to remember again
it was’nt a key, it was simply a pen.

The mouse of the future
is really a pen
working again
not on a structure

like paper
or even on draper.

It is working in every dimension,
is is working 3D.
This is highly to mention
to conceive and to see.

It was an old idea just waiting.
Now it is truth.
Holo Stylus becomes lightning
and more than a move. *

Thanks to all for being part of our journey. 2019, here we come! On to a new chapter!

*[poem structure by: Elena Gruber] [poem text by: Hanspeter Haspinger]

Holo-Light GmbH

Maria-Theresien-Straße 1
A-6020 Innsbruck

Talk to us
+43 (0)664 882 346 32