Holo-Light’s AR App wins BAUMA Innovation Price 

A success for the construction site 4.0 – The joint project of Holo-Light, the Technical University of Munich, MTS, Vemcon and Fritz Meier Cabs wins the BAUMA Innovation Award.

The BAUMA Innovation Award, which was presented yesterday evening in the context of the opening ceremony of BAUMA, went to our augmented reality application for excavator drivers in the category “Research & Science”. In a joint collaboration with the Institute for Material Handling Logistics (fml) of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) civil engineering and road construction specialist MTS, machine control professional VEMCON and cabin manufacturer Fritzmeier Cabs we have initiated an application, which brings the construction site of the future a big step closer.

Challenges from the Perspective of an Excavator Cabin

It’s a well-known childhood dream to be at the wheel of an excavator, but behind the operation and control of such a vehicle is more complexity than one would expect. Excavators have very intelligent systems that can capture, process and provide significant amounts of data to the driver of the excavator. Instructions and information based on this data appear on a cab display and must be read, interpreted and executed correctly by the driver.

To simplify this complex task with the help of new technologies was the goal of all of us winners of the BAUMA Innovation Award – and in the end we were able to demonstrate a successful solution approach. While the initiative and provision of all necessary textures and data came from well-known institutions and company sizes such as the TUM, MTS, VEMCON and Fritz Meier Cabs, we took care of the software development.

Minimize Incorrect Execution with AR

Holograms are displayed exactly where they are needed. This can be achieved by using an excavator’s intelligent positioning systems that work with satellite support to determine the exact position and rotation of the excavator and its moving parts.

One can place the digital data in the desired locations, whereby an excavator driver e.g. when looking at a pit can see directly how deep and how far he can dig and in what radius he may swing the excavator. Work steps can thus be displayed more logically and simply, thereby minimizing incorrect execution and misinterpretations.

“Working with so many well-known institutions on this project was a great experience, and the resulting application can definitely be seen with its hands-on approach. Receiving the BAUMA Innovation Award is an additional and very special honor and proof of appreciation for this successful joint project.”

Florian Haspinger, CEO and Co-Founder Holo-Light

To our great joy, our last investor innogy innovation hub was particularly proud of our achievement:

„Holo-Light enables new ways of human-machine interaction by superimposing 3D models over real-life landscapes and objects. The solution delivers more efficient working methods, avoids errors and reduces machine downtimes. We are very proud of the whole Holo-Light team for receiving the BAUMA Innovation Award and very are excited about the things to come.“

Patrick Elftmann, Investment Partner, innogy Innovation Hub

Holo-Light GmbH

Maria-Theresien-Straße 1
A-6020 Innsbruck

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