AWE – The World‘s Leading XR Conference

About a decade ago, when AWE took place for the first time, a bunch of people met in a single room to talk about a technology which could have the potential to revolutionize our daily life at work and at home. What was only recognized by a very small group of visionaries and pioneers at that time has recently become the world’s leading conference for Augmented & Virtual Reality with more than 6,000 visitors and 200 exhibitors.

It seems appropriate that the location for one of the most emerging and disrupting technologies is Silicon Valley. The Santa Clara Convention Center has become not only a meeting place for tech players from the US, but also a place for startups and established companies from all over the world to come together to talk about innovation and showcase new XR trends and products.

German and Austrian Players Fundamentally Contribute to the AR Scene

In 2018, companies from Germany and Austria have become fundamental contributors to this industry. Players from Austria include Wikitude, View AR, Insider Navigation and Holo-Light.

The nominations for the Auggie Awards show that these companies are not only nominal members, but play an active role when it comes to creating a new market. Our team at Holo-Light is therefore very proud to have won an Auggie Award in the category of “Best Input & Output Hardware” with our Holo-Stylus.

The Future of AR

Many people still ask about the current status of Augmented Reality and when experts expect mass adoption. This year’s AWE included many new hardware releases, as well as many best practices, which show that the technology already can be used efficiently in an industrial environment. The usage of AR & VR in the enterprise market is growing and roll-outs are coming, but the consumer market in particular is still waiting for its breakthrough.

Mobile AR experienced highlights like Pokémon Go and Google’s Augmented Reality street view mode for Maps, but experts like Tim Merel, Managing Director of Digi Capital, estimate a mass adoption in the consumer market as soon as Apple enters the market, probably in 2020/21.

What’s Happening Next

Meanwhile, new head-mounted displays like Magic Leap One and the next version of HoloLens will be launched. Our team at Holo-Light will do everything to enable the perfect usage of Augmented Reality, offering great software solutions and infrastructure, as well as simple and precise interaction with virtual content. AWE proved that people interested in this technology should keep an eye on it.

Since AWE expanded a few years ago, people can also visit its conferences in Europe & Asia. We absolutely would recommend it and are already excited about how Ori Inbar will open the next shows. One thing’s for sure, it definitely will be AWEsome.

Copyrights of the picture are with „AWE USA 2018“

Holo-Light GmbH

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A-6020 Innsbruck

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