The ever-changing and always charming spirit of AWE EU 2018

“Have you ever tried on a HoloLens?” The necessity of this question has dropped dramatically within the last two years at Europe’s biggest conference and expo for AR/VR and wearables. It is becoming more and more common for visitors to AWE to handle head-mounted displays, such Microsoft’s HoloLens, and to interact with virtual content with little need for guidance or instruction.

The latest points of interest lie more in what people think of Magic Leap One’s capabilities or how long it will be until we get our hands on the next version of HoloLens. AWE 2018 also demonstrated that visitors were more likely to ask exhibitors how they differentiate themselves from their competitors than in the past.

Visitors approach with more concrete ideas

The interest in our Holo-Stylus and our core technologies like our Remote Rendering solution—which makes it possible to visualize data at least 50 times larger than traditionally possible on HMDs—was correspondingly very high this time. All in all, customers seem to be visiting the trade fair with more concrete ideas in mind and not so much to just have a look at the technology. This definitely is a game changer which we consider a positive step for the future of AR.

AWE has grown to be not only the place where you can present your solutions, but also a place where you can receive valuable feedback based on sound knowledge, keep track of the current market situation and competitive landscape, and solidify possible future collaborations. Stay tuned for the upcoming YouTube video of our CTO Alex Werlberger and Patrick Frey from prominent chemistry player BASF talking about visualizing CAE results in Augmented Reality!

Holo-Light GmbH

Maria-Theresien-Straße 1
A-6020 Innsbruck

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