Casinos Austria 2017

The skills for dealing with play money are (luckily?) quite limited within our Holo-Team, at least when we are talking about Iris from our Marketing & PR department. In the context of the Innovation to Company Startup Challenge sponsored by Casinos Austria — which was looking for new, innovative collaborations with entrepreneurs — Iris shared her very humble knowledge of the inner workings of casinos in front of both an audience and a jury.

From roulette, to poker, to blackjack, to one-armed bandits, if you are not familiar with the rules and habits of entertainment establishments, it can be quite difficult to win at those games, especially if they are conveniently tied to a possible loss of money. This common deterrent, experienced particularly by first-time or infrequent visitors, was pointed out by Iris during her pitch in front of an audience of several hundred people at Casinos Austria’s Innovation Day, as well as in front of the Casinos Austria expert jury the day before.

She was able to convince both groups that her innovative idea could solve this problem, and at the end of the event, we traveled back from beautiful Vienna with two prizes in our pockets, Best Business Idea and Audience Award. It was as if Casinos Austria wanted to give Iris a taste of what winning feels like.

Holo-Light GmbH

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A-6020 Innsbruck

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