Maintenance and full control of Festo’s motion terminal thanks to AR

OPC-UA enables the exchange of communication from one machine to another. Holo-Light created an interface between HoloLens and OPC-UA which makes this fascinating case study possible.

Festo’s Motion Terminal VTEM, a complex pneumatic device, offers an excellent opportunity to explore the various possibilities when integrating machine data into a Mixed Reality interface.

One possibility is that you can gather information on a 3D model and have all of its data visualized as an overlay on the real object. To figure out if something is wrong with the VTEM, you can run a diagnostic which highlights potential problems on the machine and displays step by step instructions to properly fix errors.

If this doesn’t solve the problem, you can also make a service call with your head-mounted display and let an expert guide you through the necessary steps to repair the machine.

Additionally, the interface between HoloLens and OPC-UA enables you to view live or historical data of the model and even makes control of the machine through HoloLens possible.

ProblemNo immediate access to machine data or expertise to properly maintain machinery
SolutionInterface which allows you to retrieve all necessary information in various ways
BenefitSubstantial reduction of default rate and assurance of continuous workflows

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