Lift Up Your AR Experience with AR 3S Pro

A common request of many AR adopters: How to visualize data-intense 3D objects fast and in high quality? In order to meet this challenge, we developed AR 3S Pro. The brand-new extended version of AR 3S includes a remote rendering solution. Users can stream their high-polygon content via local or cloud processing power: In real size and time, with every detail, and without using polygon reduction. And of course, users benefit from the whole range of AR 3S features.

So far, restricted computing power of Smart Glasses limits the visualization quality of complex 3D objects. The more data-intense a model is and the more polygons it contains, the less accurate it can get visualized.

Thanks to remote rendering technology, there is a way out of this dilemma: By means of an additional computing source – an adjacent server and/or the cloud – even complex visualizations can get carried out in ultra-low latency.

Here is the link to the server for the AR 3S Pro App.


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See how you can visualize and manipulate your model in AR 3S Pro

In order to meet the requirements of many industrial adopters, Holo-Light developed AR 3S Pro by implementing its remote rendering technology in AR 3S. AR 3S Pro breaks all limits of object size and complexity formerly associated with AR. And another important factor, when it comes to streaming: it takes care of the protection of critical data. The user can easily control, in which networks the streaming takes place.

Use cases for AR 3S Pro range from complex prototypes to whole factories. Even a very detailed Building Information Model could get visualized and manipulated in real size and time. It allows field-level planners of a factory an on-site production line planning.

Holo-Light GmbH

Maria-Theresien-Straße 1
A-6020 Innsbruck

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