Holo-Light Christmas Party 2017

Since our company is peculiar in more ways than one, we decided to do something extraordinary for our Christmas party—like going to a medieval dinner. On December 18, we found ourselves beneath dark vaults in the heart of Munich to dine and drink and to listen to a minstrel’s fair music.

There, we spent a few hours away from holographs and cutting-edge technology, and for the sake of variety, journeyed back to a time when basic eyeglasses were extraordinarily innovative.

Besides the fact that some of our founders (for their own sake we won’t use any names, but just to let you know, it was the CTO), with their hands-on mentality, could not wait for a female to fill up their plate and jug (this misbehavior was punished in a terrible, but for the rest of the team, quite entertaining way), we behaved in the befitting and also very much outdated manners of past times.

After we lost our Marketing chief and some other members of the team to a bunch of jugglers and minnesingers, the night watchman finally wound up the evening and bid us farewell. What else is there to say? We ate, we drank, and we were merry.

Holo-Light GmbH

Maria-Theresien-Straße 1
A-6020 Innsbruck

Talk to us
+43 (0)664 882 346 32