Konnichiwa! Holo-Light is coming to Japan

The accelerator platform Plug and Play Japan only opened its doors in November 2017, and Holo-Light has been part of it right from the start. After applying for their program and proudly presenting our company in May of this year at their Selection Day, we can proudly confirm that we made the cut!

Out of over 600 start-ups, we managed to be one the final 50 and became part of the 3-month program which includes office space, coaching hours, and Plug and Play’s highly valued network in Japan, including great names like Mitsubishi FUG, Tokyu, Nissan, Fujitsu, Panasonic, and many, many more.

Pitching in Japanese

After our CPO, Philipp, successfully pitched us into the program on Selection Day, we recently also unveiled our secret weapon, pitch master and technical director Christof Fiedler, who just so happens to speak Japanese fluently. At Kick-Off Day in June, Christof pitched our ideas in front of around 300 people as one of the final 15 start-ups which had been selected for the Plug and Play program. We didn’t quite understand what he was saying, but we’re pretty sure it was a lot of neat stuff about Holo-Light (and the audience seemed very excited too).

We’re thrilled to see what this journey has in store for us and will keep you updated for sure!

Copyrights of the picture are with „Plug&Play Japan“

Holo-Light GmbH

Maria-Theresien-Straße 1
A-6020 Innsbruck

Talk to us
+43 (0)664 882 346 32