Holo-Light joined Europes Largest Open Innovation Platform STARTUP AUTOBAHN

Startupautobahn is a program, which was created by the car manufacturer Daimler in 2016. It’s an innovation platform, where corporates and tech-startups are connected in order to do projects together. The location is the new ARENA 2036 in Stuttgart. A place, where participants can meet and work. The startups have the possibility to attend workshops and get insights into the industry. The organizational part is done by Plug&Play, a company, which acts as innovation platform all around the world.

Winning global industry partners

The industry partners are Daimler, BASF, Porsche, ZF and Hewlett Packard Enterprises and even more companies are joining the platform. Holo-Light is one of the startups participating in the second program and is in discussion with a few of the mentioned companies. We are looking forward to present a new industry partner soon!

The program started beginning of March and we are looking forward to Expo-Day in July.

Holo-Light GmbH

Maria-Theresien-Straße 1
A-6020 Innsbruck

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+43 (0)664 882 346 32