Holo-Light at EWTS 2018

The Enterprise Wearable Technology Summit (EWTS) recently took place for the 5th time in Austin, Texas. As the name already reveals, the event focuses on the presentation of various wearable solutions, offering not only many demo zones but also great opportunities to gain feedback on one’s own technology regarding its advantages, cross-platform suitability, possible problem points, and much more. 

The two members of our Holo-Team, Daniel and Philipp, who we sent to the land of cowboys and cowgirls were able to get a valuable overview of the current market situation when it comes to the latest wearable technology.

While the estimated number of visitors was relatively low at about 700, it was not the quantity, but the quality, of attendees—including many decision-makers from a full range of interesting sectors—which made the difference. This might be related to the fact that many companies’ headquarters are located in Texas, making it quite logical to host an event like this there.

Based on our experience, EWTS not only has the potential to increase awareness of one’s company and brand, but also to provide constructive ideas for the further development and continual optimization of our one’s products. Going there with our first hardware technology—a head-mounted device integrated in our input device Holo-Stylus—definitely was worth it. 

Holo-Light GmbH

Maria-Theresien-Straße 1
A-6020 Innsbruck

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