As one of less than two dozen young companies and startups worldwide, Holo-Light will receive first-hand development support through Qualcomm´s Snapdragon Pathfinder program. Pathfinder offers participants benefits like early access to software releases, development and marketing support as well as a development kit including Lenovo ThinkReality A3 smart glasses and a Motorola Edge Plus smartphone. Holo-Light will bring an entire Business-Ready Industrial Metaverse to Snapdragon Spaces. 

Qualcomm Snapdragon

Qualcomm Snapdragon Spaces XR Developer Platform is an Augmented Reality (AR) development kit designed to create immersive experiences that run on head-mounted displays. With the Snapdragon Spaces Pathfinder Program, Qualcomm aims to foster an active community of Snapdragon Spaces developers. As a leading provider of semiconductors in the mobile sector, the company wants to team up with AR innovators to create immersive experiences that augment the content ecosystem of the Metaverse. As Hugo Swart, General Manager of Qualcomm’s XR Business Group, stated at AWE 2022, the company´s goal is to take as many developers as possible along on this journey.

Hugo Swart, General Manager of Qualcomm’s XR Business Group, announcing the first cohort of the Pathfinder program at AWE 2022.
Hugo Swart, General Manager of Qualcomm’s XR Business Group, announcing the first cohort of the Pathfinder program at AWE 2022.

XR Streaming for immersive experiences

Through the Pathfinder program, Holo-Light will bring its industrial XR Streaming solution ISAR SDK to the Snapdragon Spaces platform. This will enable streaming of XR apps with ISAR to end devices like ThinkReality A3 – allowing users to experience highly performant XR use cases, since streaming from a cloud or on-premises server ensures the required performance. Use cases with high-polygon content and complex data sets are easily possible in real-time. What’s more, data security is increased because there’s no need to store data on the end devices. 

Michael Sedrak, Division Lead at Holo-Light, trying out Lenovo ThinkReality A3. (© Holo-Light) 

Business-Ready Industrial Metaverse 

Holo-Light also aims to bring its Business-Ready Industrial Metaverse XRnow to Qualcomm users. The global, all-encompassing immersive ecosystem enables streaming and hosting of every XR app. Thanks to streaming via ISAR SDK, XRnow brings the power of the cloud to mobile XR devices and enables companies to scale their XR apps without limitations.

“Merging XRnow and Snapdragon Spaces will generate great value for a wide customer base, since it will enable complex, high-quality immersive experiences on various light-weight end devices,” states Phillip Landgraf, Head of Technology at Holo-Light. 

As part of Snapdragon Pathfinder’s first cohort, which Qualcomm announced at AWE 2022, Holo-Light has received development and marketing support as well as a development kit including Lenovo ThinkReality A3 smart glasses and a Motorola Edge+ smartphone. 

Holo-Light GmbH

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A-6020 Innsbruck

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