Wings 4 life run

Holo-Light is not only on the fast track when it comes to our company’s work output. Pimped out with fancy superhero t-shirts from our Art Department, our Holo-Team headed to the racetrack for a good cause. We sprinted, we jogged, we walked, and we crawled for those who can’t, supporting the spinal cord research foundation with our participation.

No matter if we made it 2 or 17 km in the end (and yes, that was indeed the range that we are talking about), we felt unstoppable after the battle speech from our CEO Florian, which was so epic that we don’t want to keep it from you:

“This is our moment, guys. We trained hard for this. We drank a lot of beer, we ate a lot of pizza, we did a lot of sports (needless to say that we didn’t). So you know what we have to do? We have to win this! And if we do not win this—God forbid—I will tell you what happens if we do not win this: We will have a barbecue! So let’s do this! If I say meat, you say beer! MEAT!”

Holo-Team: “BEER!”

Flo: “MEAT!”

Holo-Team: “BEER!”

Flo: “MEEAT!”

Holo-Team: “BEEEER!”

The barbecue was really nice by the way

Copyright: Hans Herbig for wings for life world run (Start)

Holo-Light GmbH

Maria-Theresien-Straße 1
A-6020 Innsbruck

Talk to us
+43 (0)664 882 346 32