New Software for Engineering in Augmented and Virtual Reality

AR 3S VR Enables Simultaneous Cooperation in AR and VR

Factory View in AR 3S VR

Ismaning, Germany, September 24, 2020 – The augmented reality company Holo-Light brings its AR Engineering software AR 3S into virtual reality on the Oculus Rift S. In AR 3S VR users have the full range of features of the AR workspace at their disposal. A special feature of the solution is a cross-platform multi-user mode. The collaborative mode allows AR and VR users – for example via a Microsoft HoloLens 2 and Oculus Rift S – to connect easily and work together on virtual designs. CAD models visualized in virtual reality also impress with their strong color intensity. Thanks to its teleport and flight function, the VR version of AR 3S is also particularly suited for large-scale designs. The applications range from complex design reviews to factory installations. AR 3S VR will be available soon in the Oculus Rift Store including a free demo version.  

VR Workstation for Engineers

“While virtual reality is already widely used in gaming and entertainment, more and more industrial companies see a competitive advantage in immersive technologies. The pricing and general availability of VR headsets make the technology particularly attractive. With AR 3S VR, Holo-Light has created a fully immersive engineering environment and at the same time enables collaboration between AR and VR users”, said Florian Haspinger, CEO and Co-Founder of Holo-Light . 
As in the augmented reality version, engineers and designers can visualize, manipulate and collaborate on CAD models. They can easily examine the internal structures of a 3D model by using the cross-section function, selecting individual components or moving, rotating and scaling objects. Any changes or markups to the digital 3D model discussed in the session can then be seamlessly integrated into subsequent workflows.   
Basically, the field of application and use case determine the choice of technology. In virtual reality the colors are more intense and large 3D models can be visualized, although space in the real world may be limited. If users want to merge virtual objects with the real environment or physical prototypes, augmented reality is the right way. With AR 3S and AR 3S VR, engineers can now combine the best of both worlds.


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