In Times of COVID-19: Working Together via Remote AR

The Corona Virus is hitting the industry hard. Factory closures of major car manufacturers are making headlines and similar news across the industry are emerging. In the current situation, it is difficult to imagine how production chains or other corporate sectors that require personal presence in groups can be sustained. Is remote work even conceivable here or in engineering as such? Augmented Reality or specifically remote ar could greatly advance virtual work beyond general office activity in the coming years.   

While video conferences with remote colleagues are now almost part of everyday life, many workflows still have no virtual equivalent: especially applications in which large amounts of data need to be processed. Oftentimes, these applications are simply not suitable for presentation purposes in virtual meetings.   

Remote AR: Working together on CAD models, regardless of location  

At Holo-Light, we have been developing and refining the AR Workspace for several years now. It enables engineers to use their highly specialized knowledge much more efficiently: For example, by working on solutions together with colleagues, regardless of geographical distance.   

Using the multi-user function, AR users can dial in from any location, visualize and manipulate the 3D CAD object in AR and participate in the corresponding meeting. Thus, the AR workspace serves as a presentation and collaboration platform.   

Various use cases can be derived from this. The automotive industry is already working on design-reviews by means of AR. A review in the form of an Augmented Reality session has the additional advantage that inconsistent details or easily overlooked design errors in the model become easily visible and modifiable. Companies save their resources and make the production process more efficient.   

New ways of visualization and collaboration  

AR ES (Augmented Reality Engineering Space) has been developed in cooperation with well-known customers from various industry branches. It is a software suite that enables a very uncomplicated, fast, and above all, smooth experience of complex 3D models in a collaborative space. Thanks to its remote ar function a whole group of employees can come together for a virtual engineering session and work on an identical 3D object together. All changes discussed in the session or markings on the digital 3D model can then be seamlessly integrated into the corresponding tools of further workflows.  

Conclusion on Remote Access

Especially in times of social distancing, it is an absolute advantage to rely on a collaboration platform that enables your employees to continue working on important programs and projects. Without risk and even across large geographical distances. 

These advantages will not lose their effect even after the current virus crisis has been overcome. What acutely helps to avoid productivity gaps can, in the long term, create the basis for more efficient collaboration and teamwork in the entire engineering workflow.  

Further Information

Holo-Light GmbH

Maria-Theresien-Straße 1
A-6020 Innsbruck

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+43 (0)664 882 346 32