Holo-Light wins German Innovation Award 2018

Another prestigious accolade for the Stylus XR: The joint project from Holo-Light and Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) gains international recognition.

Things are really happening now: It hadn’t even been a week since we had the pleasure of receiving the renowned Auggie Award in Santa Clara in Silicon Valley, when on the evening of June 6, our young company also received an award which is recognized as one of the most important benchmarks in Europe: the German Innovation Award.

This award honors effective solutions which emerge from innovative details and wholly new solutions and have wide-ranging applications. Our latest XR input device, Stylus XR – a new kind of interaction and creation tool for virtual content which demonstrates precision to the millimeter level – made a major impact on the jury. Holo-Light impressed with its strength of innovation and long-term sustainability.

“We are excited that the Stylus XR is finding such resonance and that the jury shares our vision to simplify and standardize interaction with digital content. And all of that with the highest possible degree of precision.”

Philipp Landgraf, Head Developer for Stylus XR

MCI also expressed its pride at being a development partner of Holo-Light. Michael Kraxner, Head of Research, Development, and Technology Transfer, emphasized, “As the Entrepreneurial School®, MCI found a kindred spirit in Holo-Light. The joint development work is simply a pleasure and shapes the future. Our entire team is thrilled about the success of the Holo-Stylus.”

Tyrol is a good ground for new ideas, which we support with the Tiroler Innovationsbeförderung (Tyrolean Innovation Advancement). Both the start-up Holo-Light and MCI are important drivers of the Tyrolean technology offensive. The collaboration between the two partners is exemplary. The expertise of a university and a highly innovative local company combine in a near model fashion. The German Innovation Award enjoys great regard worldwide, far beyond just circles of experts. I offer my congratulations on this distinction, which is a benefit to the entire economic region.”

Günter Platter, Provincial Governor of Tyrol

The rights to the image are held by Management Center Innsbruck (MCI)

Holo-Light GmbH

Maria-Theresien-Straße 1
A-6020 Innsbruck

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+43 (0)664 882 346 32