Tech Talk

XR Streaming on Oculus Quest 2 with ISAR SDK

1 exciting topic. 10 min input. 10 min Q&A.

Facebook hasold more total units of Oculus Quest 2 than those of all previous Oculus models combined. Their strategy to abandon wired headsets completely and focus on mobile ones is a strong statement. Wireless VR is compellingbut it also comes with limited computing and graphics performance. Are less impressive experiences the consequence?  

Our upcoming Tech Talk will take a closer look at this topic and show a solution to bring most complex VR applications to Oculus Quest 2. Publishing Director Sascha Schön will introduce you to a powerful and highly scalable XR Streaming solution for enterprises: ISAR SDK.  

  • Topic: “XR Streaming for Oculus Quest 2 with ISAR SDK”
  • Date: August 4th, 2021
  • Time: 05:00-05:20 pm (CEST)
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