Advise and Training in Industrial AR/VR

Expand your knowledge with us and check out our different workshop formats! Learn about the latest trends, receive insights from leading enterprises, jump into immersive experiences and design your business case.​

„Over the years we gained important experiences in collaborating with our partners like BMW, BASF or Magna and built a great network. Overcoming different kinds of technical hurdles in the past and in the present, makes us a strong and reliable partner.“

Philipp Uscharewitz, Holo-Light

Discovery Workshop (4h)

New to AR and VR? Experience our demos and learn about the possibilities in the enterprise market. Our discovery workshop is the perfect introduction to this topic.​

  • Demo applications (HoloLens 2, Oculus Rift S, Magic Leap One)​
  • Enterprise case studies with focus on your industry​
  • Technology Round-up – What‘s state of the art?​
  • Use Case Analysis & Discussion​

ARES Workshop (4h)

You already have a concrete interest in our Augmented Reality Engineering Space? In our ARES workshop, you will have a first hands-on experience and get familiar with all features and workflows.

  • Hands-on experience of ARES/StylusXR​
  • ARES Case Studies (Automotive, Mechanical Engineering,…)​
  • Workflow (File Transfer, IT infrastructure,…)​
  • Use Case & Business Case Development

AR Consulting Workshop (1-2 days)

In this format we analyze your processes and identify pain points, which could be tackled with AR/VR. Tailored to your specific needs, we design a concrete use case scenario together. Your return on investment is an important benchmark for us. ​

  • In-depth screening of departments and workflows​
  • Identification of pain-points​
  • Definition of scope and requirements​
  • Use Case/Proof of Concept Development​
  • Return on Investment Calculation

Further Information

Holo-Light GmbH

Maria-Theresien-Straße 1
A-6020 Innsbruck

Talk to us
+43 (0)664 882 346 32