Our Winners

1st Place: Rebuilding Palmyra


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2nd Place: AR Flow


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3rd Place: CT-Scan in AR


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Create Your Powerful XR App with ISAR SDK

Join our virtual XR Code Jam (06-12 May 21) and let your creativity run wild in AR app development​. Display data sets in AR, which require a great deal of computing/graphical power and win one of three cool prizes. 😉

Who can participate?

Participation is open to all: aspiring and professional XR developers. However, what you need is a HoloLens 2 or a Android device (API Level 26+, 29 Target)* and Unity of course. We will provide you with an ISAR SDK, Holo-Light’s unique remote rendering SDK.

Feel free to team up (max. 3 members). In case you are still looking for team mates, check out our Discord #matchmaking channel.

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How does it work?

Over several days you have time to build a XR app for HoloLens2. However, you don’t necessarily need a HoloLens2 for this – you can also participate with a suitable Android device.

Right at the beginning of our jam, we will provide you with all the information you need about ISAR SDK. At the end of the Code Jam please hand in your HoloLens2 app. Our jury will decide on the basis of the submitted app.

Evaluation Criteria

Our expert jury will evaluate the submissions based on the following criteria:

  • Usage of XR Streaming capabilities: High number of polygons exceeding device limits or usage of render intense effects.  
  • Creativity: Particularly creative ideas are rewarded.  
  • Innovation & Novelty: ​New use cases or app concepts will be rated higher as well as apps or features, which are developed during the time of the XR Code Jam will be rated higher. 
  • Relevance of Use Case: Is your app solving a specific problem? How relevant is your app for a specific target group.  
  • User Experience & User Interface: User-Friendliness as well as design of the UI/UX are taken into account in the rating.  
  • Technological Execution: Here we evaluate the performance of your app and check, if it is running without crashes.  

Our Prizes

We will award the best three apps with the following prizes at our Award Ceremony on Wednesday, 12th of  May, 6pm CET.

Our Jury

Philipp Landgraf

Head of Technology, Holo-Light. Leads the development team of ISAR SDK.

Heiko Ihde

3D/VR/AR Prototyping Architect, AWS. Book Author "Blender".

Regina Beck

Regina Maria Bäck

Mixed Reality Art Education Researcher at KSH Munich and KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

Antony Vitillo

AR/VR Developer, consultant, blogger. Known as "Skarredghost".

Mark Sage

Executive Director AREA, the Augmented Reality Enterprise Alliance.

What is ISAR SDK?

ISAR SDK is a plugin, which can be integrated into your Unity app. This enables your mixed reality app to be executed on a remote computer. While your entire app gets streamed to your HoloLens 2, Holo-Light’s corresponding client application runs on the XR device and receives the image stream. The connection between the client application and the server application enables real-time streaming of XR content.

Integrating the ISAR SDK into your app is easy – most integrations are completed in under 20 minutes. As a result, you can target a PC instead of a HoloLens which allows better graphics, significantly more intricate logic and higher complexity. With ISAR SDK you can benefit from (potentially) unlimited performance.

Before and during the whole code jam we are available to answer your questions. For questions right now, please contact Luis directly via email: l.bollinger@holo-light.com

Please join our Discord channel. This will be our main communication tool during the event.

See you at the kick-off event!

*Android Version 8.0 or newer. With the Required Features of: android.hardware.camera, android.hardware.camera.ar, android.hardware.camera.autofocus, android.hardware.faketouch, android.hardware.microphone