The First XR Code Jam Hosted by Holo-Light

“It’s impressive to see, what’s possible within a short period of time”            

Philipp Landgraf, Head of Technology, Holo-Light / XR Code Jam Head Judge

Philipp’s quote sums up our first XR Code Jam perfectly. 23 XR developers competed over one weekend to showcase how XR streaming can empower the next level of augmented reality use cases. On the line: fame, honor, and a 3,000 EUR price money pool as well as one-year free access to the ISAR SDK.

The applications developed for HoloLens 2 and Android devices were impressive, to say the least. Everyone did an amazing job and made it very difficult for the jury – comprised of industry leading experts Mark Sage (Executive Director AR for Enterprise Alliance), Antony Vitillo “Skarredghost” (AR/VR developer, consultant, and blogger), Heiko Ihde (VR/AR Prototyping Architect at AWS), Regina Maria Bäck (Mixed Reality Researcher) and Phillip Landgraf (Head of Technology at Holo-Light) – to pick the top three app submissions. 

Now, without further ado, our well-deserved winners.

Third Place: CT Scan Visualization by Team Bratlfettn


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Team Brattlfettn (a strong contestant for the best team name award) consisting of TU Graz students Paul, Daniel and Maximilian visualized a medical scan in augmented reality. The app allows a physician to view the scan directly in “real 3D” and thus avoids the loss of spatial information that occurs on 2D monitors. The ISAR SDK enabled the team to present a volume rendered visualization of the CT scan. As volume rendering is a resource-intensive process, this would not be possible to do locally on a mobile XR device. Trying to do this natively, the team would only achieve around 3 FPS. Using the ISAR SDK they were able get up to 40 FPS and more, depending on the graphics hardware used.

Second Place: ARFlow by Marco Losurdo


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One man show Marco impressed the jury with an application dedicated to the visualization of numerical simulations in augmented reality. The ISAR SDK was used for high-quality visualization and to include several use cases in one project. The first case shows a BMW X5 at 90 km/h: a fluid dynamics study demonstrates SLs, coherent 3D ISO Surfaces Turbulence and 2D vorticity cross sections. The car appears in real size and the rear-view side mirrors reflect the virtual content like real ones. The second model is a homage to “Back to the Future ” by introducing the famous Delorean DMC. Indoor heating in an apartment is the third case: in the app it is possible to visualize heat distribution in terms of temperature and velocity.

First Place: Rebuilding Palmyra by Team ReDi-Holo


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Zaid, Lucas and René used the matchmaking possibilities of the XR Code Jam and founded themselves a winning team. With a deeply relevant application and story. Their application showed the development and destruction of the Syrian Palmyra monument over a long period of time. Integrated text to speech and an interactive time scale made for a great immersive experience. Most impressive was the use of ISAR for very detailed visualization of the monument and the digitally reconstructed “painted lady” stone sculpture. “Using this app in a museum I would remember everything I looked at. I love going back in time with augmented reality,” said our XR Code Jam Head Judge Philipp.

Thank You for Making the First XR Code Jam a Success

“Thanks for this great jam, you did a great job helping out with issues and that you were there the whole weekend, even when it had 29 degree and sun outside while we were sitting in our basements :D”

René, Team ReDi-Holo

Congratulations again to our XR Code Jam winners and compliments to all participants. The work you submitted and the response of the XR community was really encouraging in making the XR Code Jam a regular event series. We learned a lot hosting the Jam and already have plans to make the next one bigger and better. See you again in Fall 2021 with even more platforms supported like Oculus Quest 2 and iOS! 

PS: You can check out all XR Code Jam submissions on our YouTube channel.

Holo-Light GmbH

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